JPM Honcho Dimon may be cancer free, but he’s a tumor on the body politic

From here:

To see Dimon interacting with lawmakers is a surreal experience: they don’t just smile, they fawn and swoon and lose their senses. Whether it is Dimon’s riches, his power or his wardrobe, one can’t shake the feeling that the rumpled men of Congress, fighting it out in the swampy muck of politics, regard Dimon as the person they’d like to be reincarnated as.

A couple of points:

1.  I wish I could call up and get members of Congress to do shit for me.  I’d put Cheney on trial, I’d get some gun control passed.  Oh wait, I don’t run a predatory bank.

2.  Remember that an asshole in a really expensive suit is still an asshole.


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