Will there be any more information forthcoming regarding Ismaiiyl Brinsley’s mental illness?

I have searched to see what information is out there regarding Brinsley’s mental illness and it appears to be very thin:

1.  Brinsley’s mother says she believed he had an undiagnosed mental illness.  I wouldn’t disregard her opinion, but she’s in a very tight spot after her son has done.

2.  Brinsley filled out some paperwork and checked the box by the question ‘have you ever been under the care/guidance of a psychiatrist/psychologist?’  Clearly Brinsley had a problem with authority and most likely was not the most cooperative person — where was this?  If he did see a mental health professional was he forced by the court?  What sort of arrangement was this?

3.  Lastly, I saw in several places that he apparently tried to hang himself last year.  How do the authorities know this?  Where was this?  How credible is the person or persons who offered this information?

What if this information was not being circulated?

I know it would make a big difference to me in how I look at Brinsley’s statements and what motivations he may have had.



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